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Merci !

On se revoit l'an prochain ! 
En attendant, voyez nos autres petits événements sporadiques !

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Montpellier Medieval Festival

New France Special

-for the 350th of the seigniory


20th, 21th and 22nd days of Septembre 2024 


4 rue du Bosquet
Montpellier, Quebec


We remind you that due to the presence of horses and insurance requirements, we cannot allow dogs on the site.

(Legal exception for trained & official assistance dogs)

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The Festival - New France Edition

Welcome to the New France Edition of the Medieval Festival of Montpellier in Outaouais!

Immerse yourself in an immersive experience where the boundaries of time fade away, transporting you to the heart of the rich and diverse history of New France. Whether you don the attire of a knight, a woodsman, a lady of high society, or simply bring your curiosity, our doors are wide open to you within our mushroom village!

Our festival is committed to promoting not only fencing but also recognizing the importance not only of the heritage of our ancestors but also of the Indigenous cultures that shaped these lands long before the establishment of the Seigneury of Papineau.

With a focus on revitalizing local communities and preserving ancient knowledge, our festival provides a showcase for local artisans, producers, and merchants offering creations inspired by New France and simple pre-industrial techniques. Stroll among the stalls brimming with unique treasures, sparkling jewels, and period creations, while supporting these talented actors of our heritage.

Join us for a journey through the ages where history, entertainment, and intercultural dialogue harmoniously converge. Welcome to our world where the past and present meet to create an unforgettable and enriching experience for all.

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Not a LARP, not a Reconstitution: a Unique Festive Event

The Montpellier Medieval Festival is a festive outdoor experience and represents a significantly different activity from a LARP (Live Action Role-Playing), a Trade Fair in a convention center, or even a strictly historical reenactment event.

All of these activities offer immersion in the medieval world, but with distinct perspectives and approaches. LARP brings enthusiasts together in a specific scenario and often includes fantastical and imaginative elements, while historical reenactment, as often seen in Quebec, is based on historical writings and artifacts with an extreme emphasis on accuracy. The Trade Fair, on the other hand, is often held in a city, in a convention center, and serves as a place for enthusiasts to discover and purchase products from various artisans.

At the MFF, anyone who loves the medieval spirit, whether it's historical, artisanal, festive, fantastical, or artistic, is welcome. No one should feel limited! Similar to the energy of cultural festivals or beer discovery events, the Montpellier Medieval Festival is a grand celebration where visitors, whether in costume or not, can explore various aspects of medieval life through performances, demonstrations, artisans, and activities. There are historical elements, games, workshops, and a marketplace, among other things.

The MFF aims to distinguish itself from other Eurocentric events by encouraging participants to bring their own heritage. Although Europe is overrepresented in the "Medieval" axiom, the medieval period occurred all over the world, and all are welcome to showcase their culture, whether they come from the Orient, Africa, America, or any region where the medieval period is less known to the general public.




Note: Les dates de ce video sont celles de l'an passé


Découvrez les ménestrels qui enchanteront vos oreilles



Help us reduce the logistical burden on our volunteers and save money by purchasing online in advance!


You are free to come for only one day.

However, as the price of the FMM pass is cheaper than single-day access tickets to other medieval events, we cannot divide the price by day.

Thank you for your understanding. 



Do you want to be an Artisan / Exhibitor?

Complete the Form by clicking on the link below
The trader is in the "foire locale" and include vendors of all kind. 

The Craftsperson is in the crafts village and includes the forge, the herbalists, the farmers, the hunters and the like. 



Participate for free, eat and get exclusive merch

Write to us!

Knowledge Corner

Did you know that

A unique game in New France was the "Jeu de la Crosse," also known as the "Jeu de Paume." This game was a simplified version of the traditional lacrosse game practiced for centuries by Indigenous peoples. French settlers adopted this game and adapted it by using smaller racquets and balls made of wood or leather filled with feathers. Players would use their racquets to hit the ball and pass it through goalposts placed at each end of the field. This historical game from New France is often considered the precursor to modern hockey. Thus, the "Jeu de la Crosse" not only represents a historical pastime but also an important cultural link between Canada's past and present.

Market 2023
Meet last year's shops !



Do I have to come in costume?

No. We encourage people to come in period accurate clothing, but as the festival aims to be an inclusive gateway for everyone, you can come in worldly clothing. 

Can we pay at the door?

Yes. The prices are as follows
General Admission - 22.00
Children 6-15 years old -  14.00
2 adults 2 Children - 60.00
Save money by buying online!

Les Chiens sont-ils admis?

La présence de chevaux nous oblige, afin de conserver nos assurances, à refuser les chiens.
Même s'ils sont bien dressés. Certains chevaux peuvent avoir des traumas qui pourraient les déstabiliser. 
Nous ne pouvons pas faire d'exception. 
Les personnes qui viennent avec des chiens devront repartir les faire garder avant d'avoir acces au site. 
Il y a une Aubege Canine non loin du site
(819) 983-6665

Where To sleep


Here is a list of places near the festival;


Montpellier Manor


High End Local Manor


Camping Lac Simon



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Le Salon des Inconnus


Historic Inn (10%off)

Camping option (Call 514  418 3450)


Centre de Vie de Ripon


Multifunctional Center and Accommodation


Camping Montpellier


Local Campsite


Auberge Montagnes Noires


Local Inn

Other places will be added here.
To display your location, contact 514 418 3450
We display locations within a maximum radius of 25km

Join the community

Join the community to access the secret Facebook group (email invitation), have access to member discounts when they come out and special announcements. 

Thanks for submitting!


Nos Partenaires

Photographers & Video

Political Sponsors


Become a partener, sponsor or VIP member

"We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. This donation greatly assists us in our mission. We will now be able to:

  • Remunerate our artists and assistants with a decent salary

  • Aid families in need

  • Maintain low prices

  • Promote resilience, fencing, and knowledge

If you wish to contribute further, please contact us to become a volunteer or spread the word about our cause to your friends!

Montpellier Medieval Festival "514 418 3450"

Qui parle du FMM ?

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